

Sunday, February 20, 2011


If anyone ever asks me "do you like living in Oregon?", I always say "yes, with the exception of being far away from our families". Lucky for us, our niece Alexx decided to finish her college years at Pacific University, less than two hours northeast of us! Not only do we get to see Alexx more often, but when she gets visitors (mom, dad & brother) we get to see them too. This last weekend Jan, Lisa, Anthony and Cody (Alexx's boyfriend) came up for a long weekend. On Saturday we met them in Forest Grove, had a great lunch and ended up at the Portland Zoo.

I decided six adults to two kids was a good ratio when at the zoo on a Saturday, in sunny weather. Weston wanted to run his way thru the place so having multiple sets of eyes and others willing to keep up with him was a huge help.
His favorite part was probably the elephants, since he was still talking about them the next day. He wasn't so crazy about the primates....he kept saying "monkey sad, monkey sad".

I wasn't very good about taking pictures all day, but did get a good one of Alexx and the boys. I'm kinda mad at myself for not demanding that everyone get together for a group time!

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