

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Growing boy...

Weston is growing like a weed and is so much fun now. He has nearly outgrown his bouncer and swing... a messy eater...
...likes to stand up (with assistance of course)...

...and has perfected what we call his "fish out of water" move, where he lays on his stomach and flails his arms and legs everywhere. He then stops, looks up and makes sure that we are laughing at him, and then does it again.

Men at work.

Over the weekend our neighbor Tyler came over to help Danny put in a culvert...hopefully it works and we won't have standing water around the house and barn anymore! Weston couldn't miss out on the fun and was happy watching them for over an hour while I got some other yard work done.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Water baby

The kid loves his bath...although the days of bathing in the kitchen sink are limited. First of all, the second I set him on the counter he rolls on to his belly and trys to get in the bath tub. Second, he has almost outgrown his little tub. And third, by the time we are done, half of the water is on the kitchen floor or all over me.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Sunday...we had beautiful weather and spent the day outside!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring is finally here!

1) Ask Danny to rota till flowerbeds and garden. Check.
2) Trip to Home Depot. Check.
3) Good weather to plant some flowers. Check.
4) Let Weston enjoy being outside. Check. And I don't think he relaxed a single minute...he rolled off the blanket about five times, kept turning in circles and let the cat snuggle up and climb all over him. This kid just doesn't want to miss a thing.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Growing up way to fast...

Update on the attempt to get Weston to eat solid food: he is more concerned with grabbing the spoon out of my hands. In an effort to get him to be a little more open to this whole solid food thing, I decided to let him take control. So, I put a little bit of rice cereal on his spoon, hand it over and he tries to put it in his mouth, just like everything else he gets his hands on. He doesn't get much actually in his mouth, but he at least gets a taste of it. And, I'm happy to report that I think this method is actually worked, today I got almost a whole tablespoon down the hatch before he started throwing a fit. Today was a day full of screaming. Not an "I'm mad" scream, but a "I just want to hear my voice scream". Danny refers to it as his "girl scream" due to the lovely pitch. So, here's a short version from this morning and a longer 2 1/2 minute version for those of you that are a little more daring
The other scary thing is that he is moving around wayyyyy to much. As soon as I put him on his back, he immediately rolls over. In the mornings I find him in his crib, on his tummy completely facing the opposite direction from where I left him. Today, while packing up all of the clothes he has already outgrown, I set him down on the floor to play. He started out facing me and the mirror/toy that is on the ground at the bottom of the photo...obviously he was more interested in what was in his closet. And at one point his feet must have been near the dresser because as you can see he lost a sock over there to the left. I REALLY need to watch where I set him now!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Four months old.

Today we had our four-month check. Weston weighs 17 pounds, 14 ounces and is 27 inches long...still in the 90th percentile for his age. The doctor said we can start him on solids so today we got out the high chair and gave it a try. He liked sitting in his chair, but wasn't too thrilled about rice cereal. We'll try again tomorrow. Here's a video of him playing this mornig when I got out of the shower...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bouncing Weston

Today we tried out the doorway jumper...Wes wasn't sure what to think at first, but he was all smiles after a few minutes. Click on the link to see his first experience at trying to bounce away his hiccups. Sitting at the table last night Weston thought our dinner conversation was a bit boring...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's official....

Weston is the cutest baby ever.