

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is it spring yet???

It is still really cold outside...we even had a tiny bit of snow earlier this week. Today was nice and sunny, so I bundled Weston up and we headed out for a walk. After we were finished, he hung out in his stroller while I cleaned up the barn. Flo kept a close eye on him and kept growling at Norm (the cat) every time he would try to take a peek at Wes.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Play'n Around...

Weston now plays so hard that eventually he knocks himself out... ...and while I was finishing up some dishes last night, Danny decided it was time for him to try out his saucer. He is getting really strong and can hold his head up for quite a while and likes to push with his legs. But I don't think he's ready to do all of this and play at the same time. He did however think that us staring and laughing at him was hysterical, just couldn't catch him lauging back at us in a photo.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Growing Boy

Time flies when you aren't paying attention (because you are too busy trying to keep a little one happy). I was just looking at some pictures of when we brought Wes home, and I can't believe how much he has grown over the last seven weeks. In the last couple of days he has really started concentrating on toys and has even started hitting them so they will dangle from above. He isn't quite grasping toys yet, but he has figured out how to take a hold of my hair and not let go without me prying his hands open! I've also realized over the last couple of days that Wes sure does have a lot of outfits that have cows on them...
And, he really loves his bath and gets really giggly afterwards when I am trying to get his jammies on him.
We are enjoying every minute with him...okay, maybe not so much when he is crying, but even then you sometimes can't help but laugh.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yesterday morning Wes was really happy and was talking up a storm. I was able to catch it on video...go to to see it (for some reason I can't get it loaded directly on our blog...I'm working on it!). Here are a few new pictures too. This first one was of him just after his bath last night. Here he is on his aquarium playmat...he is really starting to enjoy the dangling toys.
And one of him passed out on Saturday evening while he was laying on top of my legs.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weston's first trip to California!

How things change in just a few short years! One day these three boys might be getting into trouble together just like their fathers. Here is Wes hanging out with Newt Machado and Zane Ravalin.

Ashlyn and Newt wanted to share Wes' blanket.

Cousin Reese wasn't sure about the idea of sharing Grandma...

...but in no time at all she was giving Wes kisses.

Wes was also able to meet his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Weststeyn while in California.

Weston made his first trip to California over New Year's weekend. The family spoiled him with lots of cute outfits, toys and of course hugs and kisses. Here he is with his cousins; Matthew, Johnny, Alexx, Dylan and Anthony.

Happy to be with Ava...

...and hanging out with Avo.