

Friday, March 27, 2009

Two more milestones today...

This morning, in a hurry to get out of the house I decided to see if Weston would be interested in feeding himself...after all, he always has his hands on his bottle when I am feeding him. He was just fine finishing it off on his own. And now, we are also officially rolling in both directions. Today for the first time he rolled from his back to his tummy. I returned him to lying on his back, and almost immediately he rolled over a second time just to prove to me that he could do it again. And I just thought this picture was too cute...last weekend not only were grandma and grandpa here, so were their dogs Tess and Roper. I already have a feeling that Wes will be an animal lover.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's been a wonderful weekend.

So as you can see, Weston still enjoys sitting up like a little man in his dad's recliner. Grandma and grandpa came for a weekend visit and as always, he is getting spoiled by are we. Danny and I got to celebrate our 5th anniversary with an undisturbed dinner, movie and a full night's sleep at the local Phoenix Inn (not very glamorous, but sooooo nice). Weston of course has been sleeping for 7 1/2 to 8 hours each night while grandma is here...but I'm sure he will go back to his usual 5 to 6 hour stretch when she leaves tomorrow. Wes also got a cool new sun hat from grandma...much needed since the weather is turning nice and I've already had him strapped into the front backpack riding on the lawnmower with me!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Playing and Rolling

So, my post yesterday about how Wes will be rolling over any day now...after church today he figured out how to get off his tummy. Also, yesterday he discovered how to play with the roller on his activity seat. Which, by the way his feet still can't reach the bottom of, but that's not a problem that a few stacked up books can't solve. Check out our youtube star at:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Saturday.

Weston is really starting to push himself up off his tummy. I have a feeling that it will be just a matter of days before he starts rolling over too...which means I will have to start paying more attention to where I put him. He's back to liking his swing he is just chilling out.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Global Warming?

Some experts believe our winters are getting warmer each year...I beg to differ because I am getting tired of it being so cold! Once again our yard was a blanket of white, and although the snow didn't stay for long, it was enough for Emma and Caleb to get really excited. This is March...isn't it? And if you are wondering about the kids I mentioned, they are part of a childcare swap I have going with my friend Lacey. She gets Weston two days a week and I get Emma and Caleb the last Saturday and Sunday of each month, and the occasional random day like today. Weston loves Emma. This morning while making pancakes she was keeping him entertained. He was really giggling at her until I pulled out the camera, but I still managed to get some decent footage. Check it out at

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weston's first Almond Blossom Festival

The trees were in full bloom while we were in California, which made me realize that I really miss the smell of almond blossoms! We introduced Weston to many of our annual traditions held the last weekend of February. We started with a visit to the carnival on Friday evening...which needless to say was short lived since he isn't quite big enough to ride anything and doesn't yet know how good the mini-donuts are. On Saturday morning we started the day with the pancake breakfast at the Grange Hall, where Wes met Gil & Regina Fagundes for the first time. Then we headed for the diaper derby to watch the babies race across the wrestling mats in the gym. Next we watched the parade at the corner of Main and Weststeyn's have for many, many years. While at the parade, Weston was able to hang out with Uncle Josh and his godmother & cousin Alexx. We also were joined by Christine & Zane...who is absolutely a wild child (taking after his father).
I regret to say that we didn't follow the parade with a beer and sausage at the Legion Hall...but there is always next year.
Weston was spoiled by his family the entire weekend in California. Here he is with Aunt Jennifer. Cousin Reese will only refer to Weston as "baby", but she is now a little more accepting of the fact that she has to share Grandma. I think she may even like him...
...she even wanted to help feed him.
And, here is Wes enjoying a warm bath given by Grandma.