

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Almost time....

In the last couple of weeks as we wait for baby #3 to arrive, we haven't slowed down much.  Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Chad and Colbie came for a quick visit.  I didn't take any pictures of them except on Sunday morning when the boys came to our bed as usual for cartoons and Colbie joined us. 

Later that week I decided to make a quick trip over to Newport to have some fun time with the boys.  We spent a few hours at the aquarium which they both are still talking about.  Weston goes to the computer to show anyone who comes in the house the pictures of our day trip. 

Today we had really nice weather, and I needed to get out the hose to water a few flowers.  Although it was only 70 degrees and windy, Weston begged for a sprinkler to run in and soon they were both down to their skibbies having a great time. 

Less than a week away from the "official" due date.....but still have no idea when baby girl will make her appearance!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Long overdue update

Ok, so I haven't been on top of things lately....blame the busy schedules, the kids, the dog, whoever/whatever you want.  Here is what we've been up to in the last couple of months.

Trip to California: - in February we headed south, spending almost a week with family.  While we were there we got to visit Danny's godparent's Amos & Paula.  They have a goat dairy in Livingston and we all really enjoyed seeing the hundreds of new babies they had.  We also spent a lot of time on the dairy, Tyge always wanting to go with Uncle Jan to check the cows.  Weston just wanted to drive the mule all around the ranch, to "check on things for Avo". 

One of the most exciting things about the trip was that we were there to celebrate Januario & Zita's 50th wedding anniversary.  We all got dressed up, and although they didn't enjoy taking pictures, the boys looked so cute in their suits!
 In March it seems like we had something going on every weekend, but I'm not sure if any of it was picture worthy since all I seem to have is random pics of our two little men.  Tyge is still obsessed with cows, but also likes to play with cars and trucks.  Weston is in to a little bit of everything, but for the last week has wanted to do nothing but ride his new bike that our neighbor, Mr. Cook brought over (it was purchased for his grandson but was too small).  The boys got some Easter money in the mail from their Tia Julie, and although I usually make them take everything to the bank, this time I let them spend a little of it.  They picked out pirate swords and bells for their bikes. 
 On Saturday we went down to the park for the annual Easter egg hunt.  Tyge cried when they blew the whistle, and Weston was really slow going, moseying around.  I didn't think he was going to get any eggs because all of the other kids run and grab them as fast as they can.  But he ended up with four, and one of them was a golden egg, which he got to trade in for a bucket of prizes. 

I need to make this picture an annual event....since I have one of the two of them in the same place last year. 
After church we headed to Steve and Maureens, for more egg hunting and lunch. 

The weather is finally getting nicer and we've been taking a lot of evening rides out on the 4-wheeler to check cows.  So far we have five babies on the ground.  I think at this time next year with three kids we are going to have to upgrade a side by side or get another quad.

And finally, last weekend I worked on updating the baby's room.  The boys are sleeping in the same room together for two weeks now (with no problems yet), so I've been trying to organize and add some girly touches.  I made a new window valance with matching crib skirt, and got some art work up on the wall.  Still need to figure out what to put on the other wall, but it's a work in progress....and although I didn't paint, it still looks quite different from when we had the boys.  Four more weeks to go until the estimated date of arrival!