

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas Fashion Show...

Making sure you are in style is just as important when you are a baby as it is to the rest of us, so here is what Wes is wearing this season...

Lounge wear - Perfect for a lazy day around the house such as Christmas Eve.

Snowman Sack - Great for keeping warm on a cold winter's day.

Sleepwear - A must have while you are dreaming about Santa coming down the chimney.

...wouldn't be complete without a strategically placed greeting and matching stocking cap!

Church/Dinner Outfit - Everyone needs to look their best when attending Christmas services and sitting down for a big meal.

Special thanks to Grandma and the Wheeler Family for providing today's fashions. We hope you enjoyed our holiday show and Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This morning before leaving for church Weston was just looking too cute and I couldn't resist taking a few more pictures. And, our second visit to church was just as successful as the first...Father Henry and the music put Wes right to sleep!

Tonight before bedtime Weston and Flo were getting comfy on the floor together. Whenever he cries Flo will go over to where he is (swing, crib, etc.), take a peek at him and then promptly find me and paw at me until I go and check on him. I think she has officially accepted that he isn't going anywhere and is turning in to Weston's second mother.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Days!

We have had snow on and off all this week...beautiful but cold! Since Wes isn't quite old enough to play out in it, his first snow picture was taken in front of the window. Another week down and we are all doing good. At his two-week check up he weighed in at 9 pounds, 13 ounces. The doctor once again said he is perfect (of course!).

Friday, December 12, 2008

My first told by Weston

I'm finally settling in to this place that they call home. Dad is pretty cool and likes to hold me a lot, but he always hands me over to mom when I have a stinky diaper. I've tried to be nice to mom, giving her at least one four-hour stretch of sleep each night. A black and white fluffy thing keeps coming up sniffing at me all the time. I'm not sure what she thinks of me now, but I think we'll be good friends in the future. Our first trip to the doctor was good...he said I'm perfect! Signing off for now...time to do more eating, sleeping and pooping!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Welcome to the world baby boy!

Introducing...Weston Robert Meneses! This morning we were blessed with a healthy baby boy! Wes entered the world on Thursday December 4th at 7:54 am. He weighed in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce and is 21 1/2 inches long. Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers over the last months!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ready and Waiting!!!

Last week we got new carpet, so this past weekend we were able to finally put together the baby's room! Danny put together the crib (that he made years ago for our HS Ag teacher) and I got busy with all the accessories. Last night I put together the swing and bouncer. There is still a short list of things to do...hang the blinds and do some sort of window covering. I think we will put the baby's name on the currently blank wall after it arrives. Speaking sign of it coming early at this point. Looks like I will be continuing to count the remaining days until the due date (23 if you were wondering)!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Boy or Girl?

If we aren't finding out, then neither are any of you...and that is the reason that the latest ultrasound pictures are of the head and upper torso only! These pics are from the half-way point, 20 weeks. If you look carefully you can make out the nose, lips, chin, etc. The doctor says everything looks good and we're still on track for a pre-Thanksgiving arrival (lets hope!).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh Baby!

So we weren't really sure what we were looking at, but the doctor assures us that the peanut looking thing in the above pictures is in fact Baby Meneses...scheduled to arrive November 20th! We are super excited, so we created this blog to keep everyone updated on the newest member of our family.

Probably no need to check back until baby's estimated time of arrival, because frankly, the two of us just aren't that interesting. Will probably send you all a reminder about our blog...once we have pictures of a baby that looks a little more human like!