

Sunday, February 27, 2011

End of the month again?

Another month in the history books, I can't believe March is just two days away. But it seems that every month I say that very same thing. This week Tyge showed us that he knows how to roll over. On Wednesday night after his bath I put him in the middle of the floor on his tummy and within seconds Danny asked "when he start doing that". So I rushed into the room, put him back on his belly and within a minute or so he rolled over on to his back again. Then I went on got the video camera....and he hasn't done it since. With the exception of course that he also knows how to roll from his back on to his stomach...right off the couch (bad mommy moment). Today we went down to the neighbors to pick up our weaned calves and vaccinate cows. All I have to say about this picture...."love my boys".
The "cleaning Cowboy".
And we are finally back in bed....most nights anyway. Some times I find Weston on the couch in the morning, but he at least starts off in the right place. The other morning I had Tyge wake him up...almost looks like he is trying to peel his eyes open for him.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sleeping habits

Why the empty bed you ask? Because he is on the couch.
I don't know what has gotten in to Weston lately, but he refuses to sleep in his bed! I wonder if he is mad that I moved Tyge into his room, in his old crib (Tyge had been in our room in a bassinet). Whatever the reason I am so tired at the end of the day that I don't want to fight it out, so I tell him he can sleep in his bed or go to the couch. He has chosen the couch the last five nights. Part of me says "who cares, at least he sleeps through the night"...unlike my other little boy, who by the way did sleep through the night once this week, on my birthday no less, so I know he is capable of it! Another part of me thinks that he needs to get back to his own bed. Maybe it has something to do with Danny being working out of town for the last thirteen days (only four more days till he is home, but who's counting). Either way, I think I'll wait until his Daddy is around to tackle this problem, assuming it continues.


If anyone ever asks me "do you like living in Oregon?", I always say "yes, with the exception of being far away from our families". Lucky for us, our niece Alexx decided to finish her college years at Pacific University, less than two hours northeast of us! Not only do we get to see Alexx more often, but when she gets visitors (mom, dad & brother) we get to see them too. This last weekend Jan, Lisa, Anthony and Cody (Alexx's boyfriend) came up for a long weekend. On Saturday we met them in Forest Grove, had a great lunch and ended up at the Portland Zoo.

I decided six adults to two kids was a good ratio when at the zoo on a Saturday, in sunny weather. Weston wanted to run his way thru the place so having multiple sets of eyes and others willing to keep up with him was a huge help.
His favorite part was probably the elephants, since he was still talking about them the next day. He wasn't so crazy about the primates....he kept saying "monkey sad, monkey sad".

I wasn't very good about taking pictures all day, but did get a good one of Alexx and the boys. I'm kinda mad at myself for not demanding that everyone get together for a group time!


Tyge is getting more interested in what Weston is doing, and Weston is more often conversing with him since he now gets a reaction. Right before I snapped this picture I caught Weston saying "Baby, this is tractor". I almost labeled this post "Brothers" but I didn't want to leave out Flo. I don't think she realizes she is a dog because she is just like a kid, wants to do whatever you are doing, follow you around, etc. She is actually starting to listen to Weston too. While getting ready the other morning I put Tyge on the bed and soon Weston had to crawl up to see what was going on. Thirty seconds later he was calling Flo up too.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yee haw!

Lately Weston has wants to wear his cowboy hat around the house all day. Cracks me up too because he won't wear it outside, but rather takes it off and puts on his Stormy Kromer (wool) hat as he heads out the door. He also knows that cowboy's ride horses, and so he likes to do that too. The hilarious thing is that he will be bouncing around like crazy on his horse, and then he'll stand up, tip his hat and yell "yee haw". I'm not sure where he learned it, but it keeps me laughing.
Tyge is getting stronger and likes to sit up and see what's going on.

Had to do it....

Happy be-lated Valentine's Day to everyone. The other morning while getting the boys dressed I came across this shirt in Tyge's drawer and remembered that it was the closest thing to a Valentine's outfit I had for Weston two years ago. I also remembered putting Weston in the corner of the chair and snapping a picture for the blog. I just couldn't resist doing it again.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One growing baby and one messy kid!

Yesterday Tyge had his two month check-up and I'm happy to report he is doing well. He weighed 15 pounds, 12 ounces and is 24 1/2 inches long. This is about 1/2 a pound and 1/2 an inch bigger than Weston was at his two month check, but then again, Tyge is actually two weeks older than Weston was when he visited the doctor for that same appointment (due to scheduling issues).

This week Tyge is just starting to make attempts at rolling over, but is more content sitting upright looking out at the world. Weston will run back and forth in front of him just to get Tyge to move is head from side to side watching him. Weston is still a great eater and enjoys his morning yogurt. Usually I get the half that is left over in his cup, but the other morning he found what he thought was a better use for it.

Maybe he knows something I don't....yogurt is an excellent hair treatment.

At least both boys like bath time. Last night in an effort to streamline the process I put them in at the same time and Weston thought this was wonderful. He helped me get Tyge nice and clean, and then threw a fit when I pulled him out, screaming "baby in bath, baby in bath!". Ended up with water all over the floor so I'm not sure when I'll attempt do this again.