

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Three weeks old pictures

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm still trying to figure out my new camera.  So instead of risking not having any great shots of Dani, I had a friend of a friend take some of her last Thursday.  Here's a preview of the amazing job she did.

 A few more pics from Dani's first week.....
Couldn't help but take a picture of Grandma and Weston, both playing on their Ipads/Kindles.  Weston got to ride in the neighbor's dump truck with dad one afternoon.  Picture three is of the back seat....pretty crowded with three car seats.  Weston finally asked to hold her when she was five days old....Tyge is always wanting to be around her and brought her all of his cows one night.
 At Dani's two week check up she weighed 8 pounds (even) and was in the 50th percentile for height, weight, etc.  With the sudden influx of pictures I've been taking lately I started thinking about a new camera again (the thought has been on my mind for some time now). 
 After attempting the above pics with my old point and shoot, I made the leap and purchased a Canon T3i camera, with three different lenses thanks to the recommendations from some friends.  I've had a lot of fun playing around with it and can't believe the increased quality of the shots....even when I'm just using the auto focus modes.  I still need to figure out how to take good indoor photos, as you can see by the pic of the boys with Alexx, who stayed with us a couple of nights on her way to see friends in Forest Grove.

This week started with a trip to the dentist for Weston....his first time getting x-rays.  His teeth are all healthy and no cavities! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dani's first few days.....

Heading home from the hospital.....snuck a bow on her before daddy could say anything!
Tyge wants to hold her all the time, while it took Weston five days before he wanted to, and he insisted "no pictures!".  Grandma did her first bath at home (Dani didn't like it so much), just like she did when we brought the boys home.  She got dressed up for church on Sunday and she already got a good nap outside on the patio since we have such great weather. 
Boys will be boys and they keep doing all of their normal things.  Although I don't think they are thrilled that someone else is getting most of the attention right now (Weston is always saying "she's eating again!".)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013.....another day that our lives were changed forever!

11am: check in to hospital for induction after being pushed back from a 7am appt.
12pm: water broke and pitocin started
3pm:  epideral (magical!!!)
4:37pm:  welcomed Dani Lucille Meneses!  7 pounds, 14 ounces, 20 inches long

Grandma brought the boys in a few hours after Dani custom big brother t-shirts.  We are all doing well and feeling very blessed!