

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I don't know if I'm quite ready to get out of the "lazy day lifestyle" we have been living for the last nine weeks (there is nothing wrong with still being in your jammies at noon). However, next week I head back to work. I am lucky enough that I don't have a typical M-F, 8-5 schedule, and work for a great company that allows for my flexible schedule. I work from home a lot, which can mean a lot of late nights after the bedtime routine is done, but it is worth not being away from the boys for too long.

Nearly two years ago we were lucky enough to find Darlene, or "D" as Weston calls her. Darlene started watching Weston a couple days a week when he was about five months old. She has been such a godsend, as has become a part of our family. I often refer to her as our "Oregon Grandma", since Avo' is in California and Grandma W. is in Montana. Darlene has grandkids of her own too, but I sometimes wonder if it is even possible that she could spoil her own grandchildren as much as she does Weston.

Darlene always tells me how smart Weston is....I hope she realizes that a lot of that is thanks to her. She gets right down on the floor with him to play, practice counting, read books, etc. Since she came into our lives Darlene always made comments about Weston one day having a brother or sister to play with....that day has now come. We are so grateful she is willing to continue to watch Wes while I'm away at work, and now Tyge will be blessed with knowing her too.


Thanks to a tip about cheap flights from our friend Tricia, this month we took our first trip of the year to Montana (assuming there will be at least one more in 2011). Tyge not only got to go there for the first time, but he also had his first plane ride. He did amazing, Weston on the other hand....lets just say the first ten minutes on the flight were not pleasant for anyone. After the HUGE tantrum about putting his seatbelt on, he slept for the remainder of the flight to everyone's delight, including my own. The flights home were much, much better. The weather in Montana was pretty similar to Oregon, with the exception that there was still snow on the ground from the weeks prior.

Weston really liked the snow and Grandpa soon taught him how to throw snowballs.

Soon Grandpa had to head out for work, so we went down to the ranch with Grandma for a walk.

While we were there we saw Grandpa and Roger drive by on the Interstate, headed to Idaho.

All you could see of the river that day...most of it was frozen over.

Hanging out with Grandma and reading "tractor" magazines with Grandpa.
Helping Grandpa feed cows...

Looks like he is in a helicopter, but no such luck...just heading to Great Grandma's for dinner.

The Chair: Weston is now big enough to sit on the coveted green metal stool. The history of this stool goes way kids we constantly fought over who got to sit it in for each meal. Now the great-grandkids get to use it, and Grandma indicated that Jennifer gets to take it home with her one day. Apparently Jennifer asked for it first, Tyler asked for her spoon collection, and I asked for her record player...says she has it all written down and I believe her. However I am curious at what age I asked for that huge record player....but I am sure she was playing Tom T. Hall on it when I did.


Unfortunately with the cold weather we haven't been able to get out of the house much these days, but when we do, Weston takes full advantage. On this day he found an ice chest that was just his size....he carried it around for a LONG time, and still likes to put things in it whenever he finds it. Tyge is growing like crazy. On January 12th we had to take him in to get his shots since we would be getting on a plane before his two month check. He weighed in at 13 pounds, 9 ounced on that day and is already in 3 to 6 month clothing.
Wes continues to like Ty....good thing since he isn't going anywhere.
Tyge finally likes his bath, and just being naked in general seems to be a good thing.
Weston still wants to be just like daddy, here we are headed to church one Sunday. He was really annoyed when we made him leave his hat in the truck before we went inside.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5 1/2 weeks

Tyge is growing fast and starting to show some personality. He likes to be held (all the time), but I love that I have another cuddly boy. I know in twelve years he and his brother won't want anything to do with me.
I think he looks a lot like Weston....check out some pictures of him from two years ago and decide for yourself.

Happy New Year!

Our family rang in the new year in our beds, sound asleep. At least we were all aspleep at midnight, I was up with Tyge shortly thereafter!

The day before Tyge was born we had a good storm and got to enjoy some snow. Grandma noticed that Weston was ill-prepared and wouldn't stay out in it for very long (notice he is only wearing some sweatpants). Good thing Christmas was just around the corner and Grandma sent a snowsuit.

Today the only snow we have is on the hills surrounding us, and it's been clear the last two days with some sunshine. But the clear days have brought the cold with them, and today it's about 30 degrees out. Weston loves his new snowpants, but the jacket is a little big so we are still relying on the old one with an extra layer under it. I love the new snowpants because his jeans stay clean. And yes, that is a "cycle" he is eating....he kept asking for one and I finally told him he could have one if he went back outside with dad for a while. He ran to the back door, and tried to get his snow pants on all by himself. Maybe it's too cold for popcycles, but I thought it was a good deal...he went back out to the shop with his dad and I got a short nap while Tyge slept!


Weston wakes up with quite the bed head....I often think about taking pictures, but rarely do in the mornings. Sometimes it's a fight to tame it, but other times he doesn't mind me wetting it down to at least try to make him look presentable.
However, yesterday morning Weston apparently wanted to do it himself. I washed my hair in the tub and then needed to feed Tyge, so I went to the living room. Weston played for a few minutes and then dissapeared. I could hear the water running, and when I yelled for him he would just yell "mommy" back, rather than stop what he was doing and come back to the living room. Soon I went after him and this is what I found........someone wanted to wash their own hair.

Merry Christmas!

We started out Christmas morning at Cousin Sheri's for breakfast with the Weststeyn clan. Weston "played" with Evie and Melissa...driving his new airplane thru Evie's dominos!Tyge and Kash hung out with Great Grandma and Great Auntie Delores.
We then headed over to have lunch with the Meneses family. Mmmmmm....Avo's cioppino and torresmos! After a great meal we moved to the Christmas tree and opening gifts. All week long Weston had his eye on the presents, pointing to them and looking at us each time saying "birthday?". First up was a gift from his Tia Julie, a collection of Toy Story action figures. After tearing all the paper off and getting really excited he brought the box over to his dad saying "open, open". And so Danny did open up the box, and Weston took his "cowboy" and "buzz" into the other room and started playing. It took a long time to convince him to come back to open other packages.

Once he discovered there was more to open, he went thru them pretty fast. We came home with Toy Story 2 and 3, and he hasn't wanted to watch anything but them all week.
Tyge was nice and comfy with Cousin Alexx... was Weston.Tyge also met his godfather, Uncle David, Aunt Traci and cousin Matthew. Annual grandkids photo....
...and Grandparents photo.Back in Oregon, the day after Christmas, we had more gifts waiting for us. Including stockings sent from Grandma JoAnn....Weston liked dumping everything out of his "sock".