

Monday, August 23, 2010

Increasing vocabulary and other stuff

This week we found out that Weston 1) isn't allergic to wasp stings/bites (poor kid had about ten of them), 2) gets a new scrape or bruise just when the last one has healed up, and 3) loves cookie dough just like his mom and dad.
Vocabulary lesson for the day:
"side" - outside: repeated when bringing you his shoes or standing at the door
"mow" - meow: likes to say this while he is petting or giving kisses to the cats
"sing" - swing: when he wants to swing, he stands under it and points
"side" - slide: as he climbs up and goes down it
"mmmm" - yum: been saying this one for a while, but so cute when he takes a
bite out of something and follows it with a smile and a "mmmm".

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Big night out.

This weekend Weston attended his first big time concert, Gary Allan and Darryl Worley at the Willamette County Music Festival. Granted, this festival is located about a mile due east of us, just across the field, but we actually went to the concert grounds this year rather than listen from our front porch (thanks to tickets from Danny's boss).

The first order of business was to decide what to wear.
Next we had to clap after every song was over. Note, the clapping continued after each song at church the next morning.

Finally the night ended asleep on Dad's lap.

Summer days.

This week we headed to the Lane County Fair. Weston had a good time at the kids play area, particularly interested in the golf game. He also really enjoyed watching the racing pigs.

He still things two of everything is better than one....I thought I was trading my otter pop for his, but he quickly ran away with both of them.

And still interested in everything cows and everything that Daddy is doing. So interested in the cows that I have to watch him like a hawk...if we are out in the yard and I turn my back for a minute, chances are he has climbed through the fence and is headed out to find the cows.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Montana trip

Just got back from Montana, it was a quick trip for Aunt Tami's wedding. Good thing Weston is such a great traveler. He had a ball playing with his cousins and hanging out with Grandpa on the forklift and ATV. (The kid can't stay clean for long.)
Recently Weston is picking up new words too....instead of "ma, ma, ma, ma, ma" he finally says "mom". Last week he started saying apple, which sounds more like "ap-pel". Still working on getting him to say "please". He just laughs at us when we try to get him to repeat it.

Azores Trip

Spent two weeks in the Azores with was an amazing trip and I took over 900 pictures! Here are just a couple of my favorites.

On a side note, while we were there Weston mastered the use of the word "Daddy"!

Busy, busy!

After being scolded for not updating this blog for so long, here are a few pictures of our boy from the last couple of weeks.
Got a balloon after his haircut...which he carried around for hours."Bubble boy" or "mustache man"....whatever name you prefer.
Loving playing in the sprinkler.
Found a pool for him for just $7, he enjoyed filling it more than actually getting in it.