

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Catch up

 One trip to California, Thanksgiving, two birthdays, a visit to Santa, decorating the Christmas much to post and so little time to do it!  It's been a few weeks since I last posted anything, and a lot has gone on.  Here's as brief as I could get in a single blog post.

First we headed down to California for a whole week.  Weston got to help on the dairy, and Flo was really happy to get to hang out there all week too.  I especially like the picture of Weston bringing Danny a breeding glove, while dragging it through the muck the entire way. 
Grandma and Grandpa were also visiting from Montana, so the boys got to spend lots of time at their California house.

We got to spend some time with the Machado Family, and our god daughter Lucy.  Newt got a hold of my camera and I have a zillion pictures of people standing in front of their fish tank....had to post at least one of them.
Then came Thanksgiving.  We spent most of the day with the Weststeyn side of the family.  This year it was held at Jay and Linda's new home, which was perfect for all the kiddos.  Weston had a ball hanging out with his cousin Evie.  It was a little drizzly all day and by the end of the night they were all covered in mud.  

This year Tyge's birthday fell on Thanksgiving day.  We had an official birthday party the following evening, complete with Pizza Plus pizza (we can't find great pizza like that in Oregon).  Tyge and Kash had a ball playing with his new gift, a ride-on CAT truck.  The end of the night concluded with three little boys all in one bath tub. 


 On the way down and on the way back home we split the drive into two days so I could look at some properties I am appraising near the CA/OR border.  Weston wasn't too crazy about staying in a hotel tat first night, kept telling me he wanted "my bed" or "I go to Avo's house".  On the way back home he settled in pretty quickly.  Nothing says road trip like feeding two kids fast food on the floor and sleeping in a dresser drawer.       

 Finally back home, that next week we went to visit Santa Claus in downtown Brownsville, part of their "Home for the Holiday's" celebration which is targeted at getting people to shop locally.  Weston walked in, saw Santa and headed to the corner of the room where he saw his friend Evelyn playing with some toys.  Tyge was interested though, and after a few minutes he crawled right up on Santa's lap.  After a while Weston decided he could go too, and took my hand to walk over.  I put him on Santa's lap and he proceeded to tell him that we wanted a train.  I put Tyge back up there for a picture of them together, but at that point he had had enough.  Later that evening Weston helped with the finishing touches on our tree.

Weston's Birthday.  The day after our Santa adventure we celebrated Weston's birthday, having a few of our close friends over to eat Sopas (Portuguese beef and cabbage with bread) and lego cake.  Weston thought the day was great, loved his presents and has been playing with his Thomas the Train lego set ever since.  Although he still says that Santa is bringing him more trains. 
Lastly, a few more pictures of the boys and the Christmas matching Christmas jammies from Aunt Tami. 
Let's hope I don't wait as long as I did last time to do my next's too much work to sort through so many pictures at once!!!

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