

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Unfortunately with the cold weather we haven't been able to get out of the house much these days, but when we do, Weston takes full advantage. On this day he found an ice chest that was just his size....he carried it around for a LONG time, and still likes to put things in it whenever he finds it. Tyge is growing like crazy. On January 12th we had to take him in to get his shots since we would be getting on a plane before his two month check. He weighed in at 13 pounds, 9 ounced on that day and is already in 3 to 6 month clothing.
Wes continues to like Ty....good thing since he isn't going anywhere.
Tyge finally likes his bath, and just being naked in general seems to be a good thing.
Weston still wants to be just like daddy, here we are headed to church one Sunday. He was really annoyed when we made him leave his hat in the truck before we went inside.

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