

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Keeping up with it.

Trying like heck to make blogging part of my weekly routine, and so far I've been successful two weeks in a row.  Hey, it's a start. 
This week Dani and Weston have been eating like horses.....everything in sight.  Weston must be in the middle of a growth spurt.  The other morning he ate a scramble egg, whole piece of toast, yogurt and six pieces of bacon, and asked for more bacon but I was out.  Tonight he ate half of a quesadilla (using the burrito size tortillas), two crunchy tacos, and a handful of chips with guacamole.  Then he still wanted dessert for cleaning his plate.  Dani loves real food, don't bother her with any of that baby goup in a jar.  I'm actually really impressed at how well she does with just her two teeth.  The other day at lunch Tyge was waving his grilled cheese in her face and she snatched it from him.  Turns out she loves grilled cheese!  And tomatoes, I could feed her diced tomatoes all day long (raw or cooked ones picked out of a pasta dish we had one night)!
She also loves to wrestle with the boys....and they love to wrestle with her.  I do have to get on Tyge quite a bit because he gets a little rough. 
This is what we call her cheer leading pose....does it all the time.  It's really funny when you can get her with her hands up in the air at the same time, but I haven't caught that one on camera yet.

Father and son bonding over youtube videos of tractors stuck in the mud!  Exciting stuff don't you think????

I'm still experimenting with my camera and editing software.  I told Danny for my birthday I am gifting myself five kid free evenings, and it's his responsibility to watch the kids or get a babysitter.  Planning on taking a Wednesday night class that lasts for five weeks at LB.  The goal is to take better shots and to stop under utilizing my camera.  So, I am also going to try to post a "Picture of the Week", and hopefully they will get better as the year goes on.     Here's my first one, a snapshot of Tyge I took while he was out watching dad gather the cows. 

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