

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My backlog of pictures from June....

Things are busy and I don't remember very often that I need to update this blog!  I had to go back to the middle of June to pull some pictures that were post worthy. 
We are renting a new pasture from some neighbors about a mile down the road from us, and it is right next to the old schoolhouse.  The boys loved to play around it while Danny was working on some fencing.  I also thought the snapshot I took that same afternoon of all of the kids, including Flo in the truck was worth sharing.
Tyge stepped on a bee and walked around with a swollen foot for a few days.....Weston then got it on the ear last Saturday, but I forgot to take a picture of that one!
 In June we also had Pioneer Picnic!  This year Weston wanted to ride his bike in the kiddie parade so we joined the parents and pals group.  Weston finally fits in his yellow shirt from two years ago, but neither kid would put on their pirate bandanna.
 That Saturday included the pancake breakfast down at the park, followed by the grand parade and then fun and games back down at the park. 
 We learned that Tyge likes to cheat at all the games....good thing he is young and cute enough to get away with it!

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