

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Birthday Boy!

I can't believe that it's been two years since Weston was born. Time goes by so fast. To celebrate the big day we had a pizza party with good friends and family.

The celebration started the previous morning with a good dose of cake batter...and a large booger if you look closely.We spent the morning of his birthday getting ready for Christmas. First we went to see Santa who was visiting Brownsville. The visit didn't yield any pictures since Weston wouldn't get within ten feet of him. Next we headed to pick out our Christmas tree. Overall he wasn't real interested in this experience either, and we had a screaming fit when the chain saw started up to cut the tree. But we made it through the day and Weston finally got to pull the trains off of his cake. Note - this was my first attempt at cake decorating and although slightly pathetic looking to most of us, anyone under the age of five would be impressed. Also, the cake got a little roughed up, surviving an earthquake and a flood (cracks were due to rough handling when being moved to a different counter top and some pink lemonade was spilled and splashed all over it). So, as I was saying, Weston was thrilled with his cake until we lit the candles...lots of screaming and crying.After the trauma of the candle lighting we moved on to open up gifts. Weston would open one gift, and then go play with his trains. Then we would coax him back over, where he would open the next gift, and then go back to his trains. The girls tried their best to keep him on track, while the boys sat on the other sides of the room playing with whatever he had just opened.

Grandma helped him open up some new cars from his Avo'.
The next morning he loved playing with all of his new Mr. Potato Head parts.Tyge got the pleasure of sleeping thru most all of it!

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