

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Did I mention only six weeks til Baby #2 arrives?

Can I just say that I feel HUGE! I haven't gained any more weight than I put on with Weston, but even Danny says I am much bigger this time around (thanks honey). Some of my maternity shirts aren't even covering my belly anymore. I'm starting to think I will have a 12 pound baby instead of a 9 pounder like Weston was.
We still have a ways to go before the baby arrives, but everything is ready...just in case this one decides to come two weeks early rather than two weeks late. I've sorted thru everything that I saved from the first time around, and I saved everything! Crib is ready. Newborn clothes have been put away in the dresser. Bouncer, swing, car seat, etc. are all cleaned and re-assembled. Purchased what seem to be the tiniest diapers ever (when compared to what Weston is wearing now...yes I will have two in diapers). Added to the collection of creams/gas drops and ointments. Now we play the waiting game.
Since Weston will soon have to share the spotlight I thought I would post just a few more of my favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks.
He is so proud that he can now get Flo to come up onto his bed (although she is very unsure about being allowed up there and won't stay for long).
And he also enjoys standing in her water bucket.

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