

Monday, August 23, 2010

Increasing vocabulary and other stuff

This week we found out that Weston 1) isn't allergic to wasp stings/bites (poor kid had about ten of them), 2) gets a new scrape or bruise just when the last one has healed up, and 3) loves cookie dough just like his mom and dad.
Vocabulary lesson for the day:
"side" - outside: repeated when bringing you his shoes or standing at the door
"mow" - meow: likes to say this while he is petting or giving kisses to the cats
"sing" - swing: when he wants to swing, he stands under it and points
"side" - slide: as he climbs up and goes down it
"mmmm" - yum: been saying this one for a while, but so cute when he takes a
bite out of something and follows it with a smile and a "mmmm".

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