

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas Fashion Show...

Making sure you are in style is just as important when you are a baby as it is to the rest of us, so here is what Wes is wearing this season...

Lounge wear - Perfect for a lazy day around the house such as Christmas Eve.

Snowman Sack - Great for keeping warm on a cold winter's day.

Sleepwear - A must have while you are dreaming about Santa coming down the chimney.

...wouldn't be complete without a strategically placed greeting and matching stocking cap!

Church/Dinner Outfit - Everyone needs to look their best when attending Christmas services and sitting down for a big meal.

Special thanks to Grandma and the Wheeler Family for providing today's fashions. We hope you enjoyed our holiday show and Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Ray and Ruthie said...

he is so cute and looks like he is smiling!
Love, Aunt Ruthie